In this tutorial I will show you how to setup a Python Django application that starts by passenger whenever someone visits the site.
Step 1: Setup document root
In this example we’ll use the main domain, site.tld but you can use a subdomain if you prefer that. The important part is that the structure is correct. Passenger will expect to find the document root in /public and the site files in /.
For this step we’ll want to head on over to the terminal. You may access it via Dev > Terminal or via SSH by using the login details sent to you in the “Get started with your web host” email.
Once there we’ll first create the correct document root.
cd /var/www && mv html html-django && mkdir html-django/public && ln -s html-django/public html
Step 2: Install a python version of your choice
First find out what python version you’d like to use. In my case I chose 3.10 but you can choose any version you like.
Run the following command to install the python version
pyenv install 3.10
It can take a few minutes for it to compile and install python.
Step 3: Create all the necessary files.
First navigate one level below the document root of your site.
cd /var/www/html-django
Next specify the python version you’d like to use
pyenv local 3.10
Step 4: Install Django and create the passenger file
To install django run the following command
pip3 install django
Now when Django is installed lets create a test application to make sure everything works fine.
django-admin startproject myproject .
python3 migrate
After this let’s create an admin account
python3 createsuperuser
Make sure to save the username and password.
After this we need to edit the file to add the domain to the allow
Open myproject/ with an editor of your choice and make sure that ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] contains something like this
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['site.tld']
Great now we’re done! While you can start Django directly at a port that’s allocated to your account with python3 runserver command, it’s best to setup passenger. This is because if the server should restart or something else happens you don’t have to keep on starting the Django server all the time, passenger does that for you!
Create a Passenger startup file to run Django as a Python WSGI application:
Edit the file with the editor of your choice and make sure it has the following content:
import myproject.wsgi
application = myproject.wsgi.application
If the project name is different from myproject make sure to replace it to match your project name.
Step 5: Create the .htaccess file to start passenger
The last thing to do is to create the .htaccess file that will start passenger.
First navigate to your document root and create a file called .htaccess
cd /var/www/html-django/public && touch .htaccess
Next edit the file with the editor of your choice and make sure it has the following content:
PassengerAppRoot /var/www/html-django
PassengerPython /usr/local/share/python/pyenv/shims/python
PassengerEnabled on
The last thing to do is delete the template index.html file that was generated.
rm /var/www/html-django/public/index.html
That’s it. We’re done.